A New Chapter for Zcash Foundation: Looking Ahead with Gratitude and Focus

The Zcash ecosystem is embarking on a new chapter, and with it comes both challenges and opportunities. As we navigate this transition, I want to take a moment to express gratitude, outline our immediate priorities, and share my approach to ensuring the Zcash Foundation (ZF) operates at the highest level possible throughout this process.

Thank You, Jack

First and foremost, I want to extend my sincere thanks to Jack for his four years of service to ZF and countless contributions to the Zcash ecosystem since inception. Leadership transitions are never easy, but Jack’s dedication to ZF and the broader Zcash ecosystem has left an indelible impact that will ensure ZF’s momentum continues as we move forward.

Appreciation for the ZF Team and Ecosystem Partners

Also, I am incredibly grateful for the ZF engineers who continue to push forward each day, solving complex challenges and keeping Zcash at the cutting edge of privacy technology. Your expertise and dedication are critical to the success of Zcash, and I deeply appreciate your work.

Beyond ZF, I want to recognize the contributions of other key engineering teams and community organizations in the ecosystem. Zcash’s success relies on collaboration, and the work happening across the broader network of contributors is invaluable. Thank you ECC, Shielded Labs, ZCG, grantees, Zcash communities around the world, and individual contributors for your efforts in making privacy-preserving financial tools a reality.

My Role and Priorities as Interim Executive Director and COO

As Interim Executive Director and COO, my primary focus is ensuring that ZF operates smoothly and effectively during this transition period. With the support of the ZF board, I am committed to providing the resources and structure needed for the team to continue their important work without disruption.

One of the most critical tasks ahead is co-leading a strategic planning process with the ZF board. Before we can recruit a new Executive Director, we need to clearly define what skills and experience are required to lead ZF into the future. This process will be collaborative, thoughtful, and designed to ensure the best possible outcome for ZF and the Zcash community.

Additionally, the board seat vacated by Jack will remain open until the new Executive Director is in place, ensuring that the future leadership of ZF is properly aligned with the organization’s long-term vision.

During this interim period I will continue to provide transactional support to ZCG and ZecHub via FPF and I will no longer hold a leadership role within the organization. As of March 1st, the FPF board of directors is solely responsible for all future-focused decision making and strategic planning to ensure there is no conflict of interest across my roles.

My Approach: Coordination, Communication, and Execution

I strongly believe that Zcash does not have the time or resources to waste on inefficiencies or misalignment. My approach to leadership during this period is guided by three key principles:

  1. Coordination – We need to maximize the impact of our efforts across the Zcash ecosystem. That means avoiding duplication of work, streamlining decision-making, and ensuring that every resource is used as effectively as possible.
  2. Improving Communication – Both within ZF and across the broader Zcash community, communication must improve. ZF will be taking a closer look at how we share information and coordinate efforts, making necessary adjustments to ensure clarity, timeliness, and a cooperative approach to tackling challenges, both new and longstanding.
  3. Execution – If you’ve worked with me over the past three-plus years, you know that I take a “get shit done” approach to everything I do. This transition period is no exception. We will move forward with focus, ensuring that ZF remains a strong, reliable, and effective organization.

While transitions like this inevitably come with uncertainty, I am committed to ensuring that ZF not only remains stable but continues to move forward with clarity and purpose. We are not here to dwell on the past—we are here to build the future.

To everyone in the Zcash community: I appreciate your work, your effort, and your commitment to our shared mission. Let’s move forward together.

—Alex Bornstein, Interim Executive Director


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