Baikal Quadruple Miner ASIC Full Review


DASH mining becomes more profitable by the day. While big mining farms hold on to their rigs and keep mining Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC), common people who have their mining rigs at home are steadily switching to DASH. The reason is simple – the price of the crypto coin grows, while the available equipment to mine it is accessible and has great ROI.

Baikal Quadruple Miner is one of the best ASICS for DASH mining available on the market. In this review, I will go over the miner specs and then I will show you how to set it up. This mining rig is extremely easy to set up and use, which is one of the many reasons why it is considered great hardware for home mining.

Miner Specs

The Baikal Quadruple Miner ASIC consists of four Baikal Mini Miners. The Mini Miners are designed on a way that you can stack them up (up to four units) and then make them work together as one single rig.

This means that you don’t have to have an internet cable and router port assigned for each unit individually. You also can have only one power supply for the four units. I will get back to this a little bit later.

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Hashrate and Power Usage

Each Mini Miner outputs 150 MH/s on average. The Quadruple Miner outputs 600 MH/s – the amount of miners that run simultaneously do not affect performance of each individual unit.

Concerning power usage, the whole unit pulls 160W from the wall (40W per unit multiplied by 4 units). This is actually a record among ASIC miners, and it is rare to find a miner that would have similar numbers.

Each of the four miners is connected to the power supply individually through a 2.5mm – 5.5mm barrel. To make things easier, the Baikal Quadruple Miner comes with the required adaptor from one ATX port to four barrel ones.

Cooling and Noise Levels

As you could expect, a 160W rig does not produces a lot of heat. However, each of the four rig modules comes with an individual cooling fan. How noisy would those be?
Well, according to official and non-official tests, the four rigs mining together and a generic 500W ATX power supply produce 56 Db in average.


The miner comes preassembled with all the required cables in the package. All you have to do is connect the data cables, the LAN cable and the power supply cables. Then you’d access the control panel and start mining. Let’s go over these steps:

First of all, you have to use the white cables to connect the Mini Miners in series. To do that, you can start with the upper miner, plug the white cable to the input port and then connect it to the output port of the miner that is one tier lower. Here’s how it goes:

Once the three cables are properly connected, plug in the LAN cable to the bottom unit. Then, plug the power adaptor cable to the ATX power supply and then plug each barrel to their respective miner.

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Finally, it is time to turn the rig on.

It is important that you pay attention to the following things:

  • First plug the unit to the wall and only then turn the power switches on. Do not do it the other way around.
  • Once everything is plugged in to the wall and the power supply is running, you got to turn the switches on starting from the top unit (the one that does not have the LAN port on it). Turn them on one by one, going from top to bottom.

Also notice that the lights will not turn on till you turn on all the miners. Once you turn the four switches on, you will see two lights on each miner — The red light means that the miner is ON while the blue flashing light means that the miner is establishing Internet connection and searching for its IP address.

The automatic IP lookup process usually takes a minute, after which the blue lights stop flashing and just remain turned on. If they won’t stop flashing after a couple of minutes, you might want to check the internet connection and your power supply.

Software Configuration

The software configuration part is pretty much straightforward. Again, this is actually one of the main reasons why people like this miner. First, you got to type the IP address of your router, access it and look up the IP of your miner. Then, type that IP in your browser and access to the miner control panel with the following login and password (Lower case “b”, both password and login are the same): baikal

Once you are there, you can easily configure your mining pools and your wallet. In fact, that’s everything you have to configure.

The Baikal Quadruple Miner supports multiple pools. It already comes with eight pools to choose from and it gives you the option to add your own ones. In the same browser page you can also give a priority to each of the pools; if one fails, the next ASIC will switch to the next one almost instantly.

Where to buy

Baikal Official WebsiteAmazonVideosPrice Alert

Baikal X11 MINER 600M 160W DASH miner include power supply DASH mining machine

as of March 24, 2025 5:01 am


  • 600Mh/s X11 Miner

  • 160w Power

  • Power supply included


The Baikal Quadruple Miner is one of the most profitable miners available on the market. With a cost of $1.200 and extremely low power consumption, the miner ROI is only about 4 months. Along with low noise levels and easy set-up, this all makes for a great home altcoin miner.

Baikal 600Mh/s Quadruple Miner Review

  • Mining Performance

  • Power Usage

  • Noise

  • Price



  • Great ROI
  • Low power consumption
  • Low noise levels
  • Mines DASH, which is one of the strongest altoins as for today
  • You don’t have to have a PC running along with the miner 24/7


  • You have to handle it with care since the rig consists of four miners with open case
  • The rig is tall and narrow, which does not contributes to its stability
  • Does not support clock alterations

User Review

(5 votes)

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