I’ve been topping up a Testnet Bitcoin address that I fully control and have the private key for the wallet. After performing 204 transactions and accumulating a significant number of UTXOs (Unspent Transaction Outputs)from the testnet faucet, I now want to move all the BTC from this address to another address.
However, the issue is that the Tatum API that I’m using for transaction creation is scanning the last 100 transactions to find UTXOs to include in the new transaction. I have the txHashes and values for the UTXOs, but I used a Testnet faucet to top up the address, meaning I do not have the private keys for the UTXOs associated with these transactions.
I understand that in order to send these funds to another address, I need to sign the transaction with the private keys corresponding to the UTXOs. Since I don’t have the private keys for these UTXOs, is there any way I can move the BTC without access to the private keys of each individual UTXO?
I’m concerned that as the number of inputs grows, the transaction cost will keep increasing if I want to move this in the future.
Is it because I am trying to do it all at once or am I missing something? what is the correct way of moving btc in a situation like this with so many inputs.