My wife invested AUD$13,000 in a bitcoin trader called N2N services
~$ dig @ +short NS
Very similar to, but different IP
$ dig @ +short NS
I have reported to cloudfront that the site has been copied, and they are issuing scams.
Apparently you have to complete Package missions. For each package mission you have to buy bitcoins. She was given a figures in USDT, but as she doesn’t know the conversion, it meant nothing to her. Initially she did what they asked, and made money, so she kept doing what they asked and then she needs to pay more money before she can withdraw:
Dear agent, since orders are randomly assigned by the system, once
assigned, they cannot be deleted or skiped. Every assigned order must
be completed as requried , which is crucial. Your commitment to
completing assigned orders is essential to ensuring the smooth
operation of our platform. Onc the order is ocompleted, you may
proceed with the withdrawal.
So she makes the payment, then she has to finish another package mission. After $13,000 or more she is apparent on her final mission, but she was never told how much she had to deposit in Australian Dollars to withdraw. She tried to back out, but the support person got really rude, and chastised her for not reading the conditions. She got so frustrated, she threatened to go to the police, at which point they locked her account.
Dear agent at the moment you are not undergoing training; you are
working on your own account. Since you have not yet completed the
current package, you must finish your order before submitting a
withdrawal request. It’s as asimple as hoyou previously ompleted your
order and then submitted a withdrawal
She then asked to get her money back, and that she did not want her commission. Shwe was told
All funds, including your bonus commision, and principal are nin your
account. Once you complete your order, you can witdraw any amount at
your discretion.
She then asked to submit a complaint, and was given some hogwash….
Dear agent, I have alread explained this very clearly: the witdawal
system will not automatically open for submissino unless you complete
your order. Therefore, your priority should be to complete yoru
mission and submit the withdrawal request, rather than arguing with me
here. We treat everagent equally, adn no agent has special privileges.
You certainly have the right to protect your intersts. I am merely
explainin thecurrent situation to you with no ill intent. We strictly
adhere to the platform’s regulation,, which clearly state that every
agent must ocmplete their orders ebfore they can request a withdrawal.After reviewing your account, once you complete the mission, you will
be able to withdraw the full amount displayed on the next rebate which
is 30,168.70 USDT++/ when converted to AUD this is approximately
48,000 AUD
She then threatened to go to the police
Your actions have clearly shown that you no longger wish to continue
and instead want to use a police complaint to threaten the platform.
We will respect yoru decisino and fully cooperate with the police
investigation to prove our legitimacy….
Then they froze the account
Sorry, for agents who behave in this manner, I have the right to
report to management and stop all services for you. I can also provide
our entire chat history to the management team. I have always
communicated with you in a very polite manner, but you have not
responded with the same courtesy. Instead you have attempted the
threaten and pressure me into violating platform rules. If you
continue with this behavior, I may choose to stop providing any
assistance or responses.
I just asked nicely for them to unblock the account. this is the response:
Du to your actions, your account has ust been disabled bu the
merchant. If you wish to log in to your account, you need to first
ifnorm me when you plan to complete your last package and withdraw
your funds. This will allow me to better assist you.
N2N is definately a scam, though different in format to the question below, and I provide more detail.
Is it normal to be asked for an advance fee on a withdrawal?