Talent Growth System by Coinbase is Already Practiced by Global Giants

Talent growth is a very unique and interesting prospect. Ever since the dawn of civilization, people in charge have looked for ways to always have the best subordinates. Of course with the way technology is advancing, we might not be far off from companies designing their own employees, literally. Coinbase has taken a bold step, which for some might be a slight step over into sci-fi territory. A few months ago, the company has started to offer its employees $5000 yearly benefits for treatments like egg-freezing.

This is done entirely through the fertility benefits startup Carrot. The procedure is known to help women conceive children later in life and is provided by the company as a “health insurance option.”

A move like this is very expensive, but if it finds success with the employees, the investment will be well worth it. It wouldn’t be a surprise if we see other companies start doing similar moves. After all, some experts consider not worrying about family planning on a daily basis a huge luxury.

With the benefits accessible for its employees, Coinbase joins an elite category of companies like Google, Facebook and Apple, which also offer the same benefits. It’s completely natural since the procedure is very expensive and still relatively new, that many companies don’t consider its practice.

Many more companies will adopt the talent growth program in the future

The company, which is valued at roughly $8 billion has now made sure to invest in future talent in the blockchain industry. Of course due to privacy concerns, Coinbase hasn’t disclosed the number of employees, which have opted to use the program. The company is also fully transparent about the benefit program and all employees can join regardless of gender and/or sexual orientation.

Other crypto companies, which are relatively smaller than Coinbase have also started exploring new benefits for their employees. The ethereum-based startup MyCrypto offers paid maternity and maternity, which is a benefit only 1/3 of US-based finance and tech companies offer.

Egg-freezing is a relatively unpopular procedure, with it being undergone by only 9000 women in the US. The costs are also quite high since egg-freezing costs up to $22 000 from extraction to implantation x number of years later. Despite that, many employees want to build solid careers in crypto and this just might be the little extra time they need.

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